Case Dismissed - Essex County!
NXT Level Holdings NXT Level Holdings

Case Dismissed - Essex County!

My client was sued for $20,000 by a former tenant on allegations of neglect and illegal conditions in the apartment. After several court appearances, motion practice, and extensive settlement discussions, we won a full dismissal of the case before an Essex County Judge! Client was ecstatic that our work, persistence and steadfastness paid off with a winning result!

- Andrew DeLaney

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Successful Estate Planning - Just in Time!
NXT Level Holdings NXT Level Holdings

Successful Estate Planning - Just in Time!

My client and her family are heading to Ireland for a family vacation and were worried about ensuring their family’s estate plan before (nervously) boarding the plane. I drafted their Wills, Medical Directives/Living Wills and Power of Attorney and also blessed them with the luck of the Irish so they can enjoy their family time in the High Holy Land with the peace of mind of knowing all their legal affairs are in order!

- Andrew DeLaney

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Case Dismissed! - Bergen County, New Jersey!
NXT Level Holdings NXT Level Holdings

Case Dismissed! - Bergen County, New Jersey!

My client was facing prison time on felony charges in Bergen County (and with little wiggle room for negotiating due to a prior felony). We had court this morning, where I was able to get all of the charges dismissed. Out of gratitude, the client gave me the rosary I am holding, and had the following to say: “God is number one, you’re second”. (While I am never happy being second, I can make an exception here!) Elated to help my client get a second lease on life!

- Andrew DeLaney

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Successful Property Sale - Morris Township, New Jersey!
NXT Level Holdings NXT Level Holdings

Successful Property Sale - Morris Township, New Jersey!

Congratulations to my client on the sale of his property in Morris Township. Morristown’s biggest earthquake in 300 years didn’t deter us and the closing went on without a hitch! Honored to be the closing attorney on another successful real estate transaction!

- Andrew DeLaney

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Variance Approval - Parsippany, New Jersey!
NXT Level Holdings NXT Level Holdings

Variance Approval - Parsippany, New Jersey!

I appeared before the Parsippany Zoning Board for a variance application my client was seeking in order to complete the construction of his home. This matter was extremely complex, legally and factually, stretching over several meetings and lasting over a year. I am happy to report that we finally won the long sought after zoning approval, and my client’s home can now be completed and occupied! Thank you to the Parsippany Zoning Board for the patience and professionalism in hearing and deciding our case!

- Andrew DeLaney

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Case Dismissed - Local News!
NXT Level Holdings NXT Level Holdings

Case Dismissed - Local News!

I represent a local newspaper editor whose publication was sued for defamation during Covid. When I was retained, the paper had a default against it (partly due to issues with service), and a potential judgement that would cripple the operation. I successfully filed a motion to have the default vacated and the case reinstated. After more than two years, I am proud to report that the case has been dismissed!

I can move this file (one of my oldest on my desk) to the cabinet and my client editor’s publication can continue to serve the public with local, but breaking and insightful stories that serve the greater good of the community!

- Andrew DeLaney

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Case Dismissed - Warren County, New Jersey!
NXT Level Holdings NXT Level Holdings

Case Dismissed - Warren County, New Jersey!

I was in Warren County Superior Court in Belvidere representing a client faced with a restraining order brought due to an alleged domestic abuse situation. After being heard by the Judge, we were able to get the matter completely dismissed. A great day for my client and me!

- Andrew DeLaney

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Successful Home Sale - Basking Ridge, New Jersey!
NXT Level Holdings NXT Level Holdings

Successful Home Sale - Basking Ridge, New Jersey!

Congrats to my clients and their LLC on the successful sale of their beautifully upgraded house flip in Basking Ridge! Honored to be their attorney through the entire process, in which the house sold for 1.5 million dollars more than they purchased it for!

- Andrew DeLaney

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Case Dismissed - Hanover, New Jersey!
NXT Level Holdings NXT Level Holdings

Case Dismissed - Hanover, New Jersey!

I was in court representing a client on theft charges. We chose not to plead on the case and our decision was rewarded when all charges were dismissed, and the case was thrown out in its entirety! My client and I were ecstatic!

- Andrew DeLaney

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Family Estate Planning!
NXT Level Holdings NXT Level Holdings

Family Estate Planning!

Honored to represent the Reid Family in setting up their family’s estate plan! It is imperative that every family have a Will, Living Will/Medical Directive in place, as well as a Trust to protect assets. I am experienced in setting up the most routine to the most complex family estate plans.

- Andrew DeLaney

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Atlantic City Jackpot!
NXT Level Holdings NXT Level Holdings

Atlantic City Jackpot!

I filed a lawsuit on behalf of my client against an insurance company in Atlantic County. While we were excited about the prospect about a night spent gambling and partying in Atlantic City (where Atlantic County civil cases like this are venued) we got an offer we couldn’t refuse with a settlement of 87 cents on the dollar. We took it and ran avoiding trial, court costs and whatever else A.C. may have thrown our way, happy to take the easy W!

- Andrew DeLaney

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Successful Real Estate Transaction - Somerville, New Jersey!
NXT Level Holdings NXT Level Holdings

Successful Real Estate Transaction - Somerville, New Jersey!

Congratulations to Everest Mulaj and his family on their company’s successful purchase of real estate in Somerville! The deal could not have gone more smoothly and was happy to facilitate the successful transaction for my client!

- Andrew DeLaney

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Seller’s Attorney - Roxbury, New Jersey!
NXT Level Holdings NXT Level Holdings

Seller’s Attorney - Roxbury, New Jersey!

Congratulations to Mike & Jeff Gottsleben on the sale of their property in Roxbury! The deal entailed some tough negotiations but we got the deal done to their liking and was honored to be the closing attorney on the transaction!

- Andrew DeLaney

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Andrew DeLaney - No Jail Time!
NXT Level Holdings NXT Level Holdings

Andrew DeLaney - No Jail Time!

I represented a client charged with multiple thefts in two different counties/jurisdictions, leaving him faced with over 10 years in state prison on multiple felony charges. I was able to get one set of charges dismissed, allowing my client to enter into a diversionary program that will leave him a free man with a completely clean record. Ecstatic at the fantastic result for my client that allows him to move forward productively with his life.

- Andrew DeLaney

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Home Sale - Dumont, New Jersey!
NXT Level Holdings NXT Level Holdings

Home Sale - Dumont, New Jersey!

Congratulations to the McCrosson’s on the sale of their property in Dumont! It was an honor to represent them through closing and thank you as always to Mike Gabettie in his work to ensure a smooth closing.

- Andrew DeLaney

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