Case Dismissed - Essex County!
NXT Level Holdings NXT Level Holdings

Case Dismissed - Essex County!

My client was sued for $20,000 by a former tenant on allegations of neglect and illegal conditions in the apartment. After several court appearances, motion practice, and extensive settlement discussions, we won a full dismissal of the case before an Essex County Judge! Client was ecstatic that our work, persistence and steadfastness paid off with a winning result!

- Andrew DeLaney

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Case Dismissed! - Bergen County, New Jersey!
NXT Level Holdings NXT Level Holdings

Case Dismissed! - Bergen County, New Jersey!

My client was facing prison time on felony charges in Bergen County (and with little wiggle room for negotiating due to a prior felony). We had court this morning, where I was able to get all of the charges dismissed. Out of gratitude, the client gave me the rosary I am holding, and had the following to say: “God is number one, you’re second”. (While I am never happy being second, I can make an exception here!) Elated to help my client get a second lease on life!

- Andrew DeLaney

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Case Dismissed - Local News!
NXT Level Holdings NXT Level Holdings

Case Dismissed - Local News!

I represent a local newspaper editor whose publication was sued for defamation during Covid. When I was retained, the paper had a default against it (partly due to issues with service), and a potential judgement that would cripple the operation. I successfully filed a motion to have the default vacated and the case reinstated. After more than two years, I am proud to report that the case has been dismissed!

I can move this file (one of my oldest on my desk) to the cabinet and my client editor’s publication can continue to serve the public with local, but breaking and insightful stories that serve the greater good of the community!

- Andrew DeLaney

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Case Dismissed - Warren County, New Jersey!
NXT Level Holdings NXT Level Holdings

Case Dismissed - Warren County, New Jersey!

I was in Warren County Superior Court in Belvidere representing a client faced with a restraining order brought due to an alleged domestic abuse situation. After being heard by the Judge, we were able to get the matter completely dismissed. A great day for my client and me!

- Andrew DeLaney

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Case Dismissed - Hanover, New Jersey!
NXT Level Holdings NXT Level Holdings

Case Dismissed - Hanover, New Jersey!

I was in court representing a client on theft charges. We chose not to plead on the case and our decision was rewarded when all charges were dismissed, and the case was thrown out in its entirety! My client and I were ecstatic!

- Andrew DeLaney

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Andrew DeLaney - No Jail Time!
NXT Level Holdings NXT Level Holdings

Andrew DeLaney - No Jail Time!

I represented a client charged with multiple thefts in two different counties/jurisdictions, leaving him faced with over 10 years in state prison on multiple felony charges. I was able to get one set of charges dismissed, allowing my client to enter into a diversionary program that will leave him a free man with a completely clean record. Ecstatic at the fantastic result for my client that allows him to move forward productively with his life.

- Andrew DeLaney

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Case Dismissed! - Hanover, New Jersey!
NXT Level Holdings NXT Level Holdings

Case Dismissed! - Hanover, New Jersey!

I was in municipal court on behalf of a client facing shoplifting charges. Before the case proceeded to trial, we arranged for restitution with the store, and all charges against my client were unilaterally dismissed.. a win/win for all parties.

- Andrew DeLaney

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